FCP-Rx4 Foam Corner Guards 10cm x 10cm x 80cm length and 1cm thickness for wall corner protection

- Foam Corner Guards are used to cover hazardous corners and edges to prevent injuries.
- Perfect to protect people and vehicles from wall corners or the edges of an equipment.
- Foam corner protectors are lightweight and easy to install with plugs and screws included.
- Foam corner guards are useful in recreational, educational, sports and parking facilities.
- They come in bright red and white colors to highlight dangerous corners and safe guard people.
Corner protectors prevent damage to vehicles and buildings and injuries to people in a variety of facilities. Protective corners are made from eva and are usually placed in columns and entrances of buildings to protect them from micro-shocks received from passing vehicles. Because of their bright color make its presence known as obstacles to drivers reducing the chances of accidents and the resulting costs normally required for repairs of both structural elements and vehicles.